SIDE STORY: The Doctor and the Valet, Part II

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I should do something nice for Feyl, Kloy thought, as he reached the end of his current workload. He set the folders aside and stretched, reflecting.

They’d tried a few more times to have a quick fuck, but Feyl was always too distracted by the state of mess in Kloy’s suite. Kloy kept falling asleep as the man cleaned, which ended up with Feyl taking his own nap before they both had to return to work. Kloy was honestly surprised by the man’s determination to have sex with him, specifically - he wasn’t sure if it could still be considered pettiness compared to outright stubbornness. Not when Kloy was clearly quite willing, and Feyl’s own comfort needs were getting in the way.

In any case, between cleaning Kloy’s suite for him and acting as a temporary, impromptu secretary whenever he had the time to hang around the healing wards, the physician felt he owed Feyl at least something. Especially after Gavven pointed out it had been long enough for rumors to circulate.

So Kloy rose from his desk, taking off his cloak and folding it over the back of his chair. He went to the door and peeked outside - and, as expected, saw Feyl quietly sorting through his inbox. With a snort, he said, “Feyl, would you come in, please?”

The valet sighed in a very put-upon manner, slipping the folders back into the box with faux carelessness as he rose, “I suppose I don’t see why not.”

Kloy hummed, giving the man room to breeze past him. The physician closed and locked the door behind him - he wondered a bit why Feyl seemed determined to appear allergic to work but not enough to question the valet about it. Taking off his glasses and setting them on his desk, Kloy added, “Take a seat on the exam table.”

“Am I overdue for a check-up, doctor?” Feyl asked with a purr, obligingly hopping onto the high bench and leaning back salaciously.

“Not exactly,” Kloy replied, and dropped straight to his knees in front of the valet. Ah, he thought, ignoring a slight throb, Getting too old for that.

The flinch and look of surprise on Feyl’s face were worth the pain - the man’s grip on the bench with his lower arms tightened a little as he carefully kept his upper arms in their graceful positioning, “Oh?”

Oh, indeed, the physician thought, bracketing the outside of Feyl’s thighs with his lower arms while undoing the valet’s belt with the upper set, “I just thought you could use a reward for all your hard work.”

Feyl scoffed, but there was still a tension to him as he helpfully pulled the belt and wrap under it away, “Hard work? Whatever could you mean, doctor?”

He really doesn’t like people noticing that, Kloy thought, so gave him an excuse as he reached back to find the base of the valet’s tail with an upper hand, “You have been trying to sleep with me for a few months now.”

Feyl relaxed at once, leaning back a little and shifting the bottom of his tunic aside, “Ah, yes - my curiosity is just killing me, you know.”

Kloy snorted, moving his lower hands to the valet’s inner thighs with amusement at the lack of undergarments. He asked, “Anything off limits?”

“Oh no,” Feyl smirked, “Do your worst, old man.”

With that answer, Kloy smiled sweetly to ask, “Have you ever everted without being touched?”

Feyl snorted, “Not since I was an adolescent.”

“Ah,” Kloy said, getting a good grip on his sex partner’s tail, “This should be interesting for you then.”

Feyl only had time to frown before, in one smooth motion, Kloy pushed his legs up and apart while pulling his tail around and down. The resulting press of muscles forced his forked cock to immediately evert, while the sudden imbalance made the valet fall onto his back with a breathless gasp.

“Sorry,” Kloy chuckled unapologetically, taking a moment to blow on the still-soft appendage and earning a whimper, “I forget that can knock the wind out of people.”

Feyl probably would have called him out on the lie if the physician had given him the chance. Instead, Kloy secured the valet’s legs with two of his arms before ungraciously shoving a finger into the valet’s cloaca under his cock, rubbing the internal underside with his knuckle while continuing to gently blow on the everted part.

Feyl writhed, lower claws ripping into the woven cover of the table as his breath hitched, his upper arms covering his face to muffle a scream.

They all think they’re so experienced, Kloy chuckled to himself. Meaning, of course, all the pretty valets that flitted about the castle and flirted as easily as breathing. It had been some time since Kloy had been in the habit of finding a new bedpartner every night, but valets had hardly changed in the intervening centuries.

As Feyl’s cock stiffened into the usual aroused firmness, Kloy pushed another finger into the small entrance at its underside, pumping them gently into the forming slick there. He let his hand on Feyl’s tail slide down the length of it until he could press it against his own tail, curling against his side so that they wrapped together. This freed his hand to grab the longer top fork of the valet’s cock - but only to keep the appendage from smacking him in the face as it sought something to grab onto.

He heard Feyl let out a sob, back still arching off the table since the physician had started as he shuddered.

So easy, Kloy thought with a grin, and asked, “Too much?”

“If,” Feyl gasped, “If you,” he whimpered, “Fuck, don’t,” he whined, “Don’t stop!”

Cute, Kloy snorted and used his fingers to push the sides of Feyl’s already stretched genital slit apart enough to stick his tongue between them.

Feyl sobbed again, bony heels digging into the physician’s back as his tail writhed in the grip of Kloy’s.

Kloy took his time, refusing to provide any of the desperately wanted attention to the valet’s no doubt too dry cock as he tongue fucked the man’s cloaca, slick and saliva starting to coat the base of the appendage while it was held firmly against Feyl’s stomach.

I want to make him beg, Kloy thought, then schooled himself, But I’ve been indulging myself a bit too long already for a reward.

So, finally, he pulled back his tongue and fingers - wiping at the slick on his chin with his wrist. He released Feyl’s cock, taking a moment to appreciate the view of the pretty valet bent over the side of his examination table with his gray cock squirming in the air, looking for friction. Though it was slightly blurred for the lack of his glasses, the younger man was close enough that most details were still clear.

Feyl’s back finally sunk down against the table, and his chest heaved as he got the chance to catch his breath. He moved his arms enough to look down at the physician, eyes wet with tears and panting.

Kloy felt his own cock start to press against his slit at the sight, but that wasn’t what he had planned at the moment.

Reminding himself once again that this was a reward, the physician used the hand he’d been finger fucking the valet with to spread slick over his cock, mouthing at his inner thighs by way of silent apology.

Feyl groaned, squirming under the far gentler treatment and rocking into the hand around his cock, the forked ends attempting to wrap themselves around the physician’s stroking hand.

Kloy went back to tongue-fucking the valet’s genital slit under his cock as he stroked, adding a second hand to stroke the longer and shorter forks at the same time.

Feyl was still doing something to muffle the noises he was making, attempting to rock his hips into the physician for more attention.

Kloy could feel his cock pressed right up against his slit, wanting very badly to evert but holding himself back - not yet, not yet. Ah, this was one of the reasons he’d refused, after all - Feyl was far too much his type for the man’s own good.

When Feyl’s breath started hitching again, Kloy pulled back again - but only so that he could properly position the man before taking his cock in mouth and straight down to hit his throat while shoving two fingers into his slit again.

Feyl screamed again, back arching off the table once more as he immediately came, hot seed spilling down the physician’s throat violently.

Kloy had fully anticipated this result and was prepared to swallow the load as it poured in. Still, some spilled out of his mouth from the sheer force of it, but he managed to avoid too much mess, at least.

The physician chuckled as he stood, wiping his chin again, “Well, I can certainly say you’re in good health…”

Feyl flipped him off with one hand, still shuddering and chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. His cock was slowly retracting, still squirming a bit.

Kloy snorted, still holding the valet’s thighs apart on either side of his hips. He could feel the fabric of his undergarments against the tip of his partially everted cock, and asked, “Doing all right?”

“You,” Feyl panted, moving his arms enough to glare as he managed to wrap his shaking legs around the physician and tug him close, “Can’t mean… you’re… done?”

Kloy suppressed a shiver, fully everting as the slick dampened the front of his tunic and undergarments and the valet’s soft, slippery cock waved against the layers of fabric. Careful, he reminded himself, Reward.

The physician smiled, removing his own belt and undergarments to pull up his tunic, “Just checking on you, young man.”

Feyl whimpered as Kloy’s stiffer cock wrapped around his soft one, twisting their ends together in a way that had to be painful - though, he supposed, clearly not only painful.

Kloy rocked gently against the valet, the slide making the twisting much gentler.

Feyl was focusing on breathing. His arms still covered his face as he pressed into the contact, his lower arms digging into the reeds of the mattress.

I want to fuck him, Kloy thought, readjusting his grip on Feyl’s legs to pull his hips off the table - dragging the valet back to rock the man into him insteadI really want to fuck him.

As he’d hoped, Feyl lost his grip in surprise - lower hands grabbing the near edge of the bench as his upper hands grabbed the edge next to his head. Seeing the valet’s crying face in full did it for him - the physician held back a growl as he came, cock squeezing around Feyl’s as cum spurted from the longer fork of it.

Feyl let out a harsh breath, head falling back as his eyes glazed over a bit.

Kloy sighed in contentment and reached up to shake the valet’s grip from the bench.

Feyl made a noise of complaint, but allowed Kloy to maneuver him so that he was lying on the bench long ways. He sighed with a shudder, closing his eyes and going boneless as he asked, “What are you?”

Kloy laughed in surprise, stepping out of the undergarments pooled at his feet to walk over to his medicine cabinet, “A physician.”

Feyl scoffed, “What does that - oh. You mean you’ve studied anatomy.”

“Extensively,” Kloy agreed, getting a salve and a mild sedative. He’d intended to be gentler, but he did find it difficult to resist a challenge. Still, he dampened a towel and shoved more dry ones into the crook of one arm.

“... is that an innuendo, or do you honestly mean that professionally?” Feyl asked flatly.

Kloy smiled, returning and handing the last item he’d grabbed - a cup of water - to the valet as he sat on the edge of the examination table, “Mostly professional. At least, within the last several centuries or so.”

Feyl accepted the cup readily, eyeing the rest suspiciously as he sipped without comment.

Kloy chuckled and started by using the damp cloth to wipe them both down - using his other two hands to massage the muscles around Feyl’s legs and hips.

The valet sighed, taking a longer drink of the water without complaint.

When that was done, Kloy grabbed the dry towels to finish cleaning up and handed Feyl the small bottle of liquid, “A sedative - you’re going to feel this later.”

“... I did say do your worst,” Feyl sighed, accepting, “Should I drink it now?”

“In an hour or two,” Kloy recommended, “Unless it’s painful now?”

“No,” the valet waved a hand, “Just fairly typical soreness, doctor.”

Kloy chuckled, at last grabbing the salve, “I was rougher than I intended - this salve will help if I accidentally tore something.”

“You didn’t become a physician just to treat your sex partners, did you?” Feyl arched a brow ridge but obligingly spread his legs a bit further apart.

Kloy laughed in earnest, opening the jar and collecting some of the salve with his fingers, “No, but as you can see, it does come in handy.”

Feyl hissed at the new intrusion to his no doubt sore genital slit, but kept himself from getting in the physician’s way in spreading the salve.

“It has a bit of topical anesthetic as well,” Kloy added, admonishing his body for being too old to be getting a pulse of arousal at the soft, slick heat, “So the soreness should subside in a moment.”

“Mm,” the valet said, closing his eyes again with a sigh. Then he snorted, “Don’t think this means I’ve given up on a proper fuck, by the way.”

Kloy had to tense every muscle in his body to keep from reacting to those words the way he wanted to.

Feyl grunted, but peeked his left eyes open with a grin, “Sorry, did I distract you, old man?”

What a troublesome man, Kloy thought, carefully extracting his fingers from Feyl’s cloaca - finished applying the salve. He felt one of his old, much less carefully constructed ‘kindly physician’ smiles split across his face as he replied, “I’d advise you to wait a day or two before trying any more sexual activity. Just to be safe.”

“Even if I were medically supervised?” Feyl asked, tilting his head just so to look up at Kloy from under his lashes.

I have made an error, Kloy thought, forcing his smile to remain as he got to his feet and walked at a measured pace to his desk, “Yes, even then.”

“Is that a promise?” the valet pressed, “A day, was it?”

“Two,” Kloy replied, taking his seat and finding work to distract himself with, “If you think you can manage not to clean my suite instead of focusing.”

“... I’ll come early,” Feyl replied, taking another drink of water.

Kloy suppressed a laugh, After all that big talk…

“I look forward to it.”

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