Chapter 20: Stalemates & Checkmates

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Nyx and Tav PoV. Opening with Nyx, closing with Tav.


"Unhand me ye crazed woman! Not in front of the vamp-"

Clive tried to flee, but Nyx tackled him into a hug from her bedroll. He muffled a string of profanities against her arms while she squeezed him as hard as she could. Astarion grinned looking up from his book while leisurely reclining between the pillows of the 'living nook'.

"GAH!", Clive feigned gasping for air when she released him, laughing at his attempt to pout while resembling a drawn concertina. His wrinkled expression drew more laughs from her, and he puffed himself out in an exaggerated huff. "Me thinks ye have gone completely insane", he accused, but there was no bite to his words.

Nyx chuckled, "Oh, certainly. Especially, considering the past few days."

He harrumphed, "Yer sarcasm suggests otherwise. For which I am glad to be on the receiving end of again."

Nyx made her best impression of a Karlach 'Aw' and threw her arms open, threatening another hug.

"No! Not that!", he managed to hop away from her weak attempt to snatch him up again. He grinned, nonetheless.

"Darlings, as entertaining as this is, I find myself in need of getting ready for the new horrors this day may bring." Astarion winked suggestively at Nyx, and she fluttered her fingers similarly after his sly departing grin.

Clive grumbled, "At least ye picked one with enough brains."

Nyx snorted and said after a brief pause, "And so much more."

Clive scrunched his face, "Did ye have to go there?"

"You would have sooner or later, so might as well get it over with."



Clive sobered, asking seriously in Tufani vernacular, "I can sense the seals are broken. What happened?"

Nyx sighed, "They've been so since the first time I woke after being cursed."

He swore in several languages and Nyx appreciated their sentiments even though their meanings were lost. He asked, "How is it yer not cascading?"

Her brows knit trying to find a simple way to explain, "Technically, the curse as well. Had Shadowfell monsters keeping the demons at bay initially."

"Feck me!"

"The tadpole escaped its bindings. I did cascade, but directed it at the monsters and demons. Things became clearer after that and...", Nyx trailed off. Clive's swearing became more colourful when Nyx attempted to explain 'her working together with a drider Nyala and Shroud' to get rid of the Nightwalker and tadpole alike. How she suspects that Nyala was a manifestation of her own mind, but uncertain of Shroud or her intentions.

Nyx continued, "The first layer is broken, the other two remain intact. 'We' have contained the demons behind another, outermost layer, I suppose. For now, I am at an impasse with the portal - luckily it’s a stable stalemate."

Clive made his thinking face, "Yer mental manifestation of yer magic makes it difficult to determine how long that will last. I'll reach out to a few contacts. Mayhap come up with another way to force the demons back, and fer ye to reach the seals proper."

"Short of trying to find Keetjah and Sanika?", she puffed out her cheeks.

"Aye, but that ain't entirely impossible either."

Nyx hmmed in agreement, "I don't know if the tadpole is gone, perhaps it is at an impasse too. So, my first priority remains getting rid of the curse, followed by the tadpole. If we haven't found a solution to the demons by then, I'll deal with next steps when the time comes."


Clive nodded sagely and gave her a sidelong look, "I know ye wanted to prevent things like this by keeping to the wilds, but ye are allowed to live a little too - risks and all."

Nyx smiled at him warmly, "I'm starting to get that, yes."

He seemed very pleased with his own wise council and left with a parting remark of appreciation for her company once again, stating that 'the bloodsucker' was starting to get on his nerves.

I'm sure the feeling is mutual, Nyx smirked.




Nyx was on the verge of having a panic attack. All geared up and ready to head out yet frozen at the threshold of her tent. She didn’t want to leave the safety of her sanctuary. Didn’t want to face what may be waiting outside.

Would they think me a monster?

That singular thought paralyzed her. One part of her told herself to stop being irrational, but the doubt clung to her chest, throttled her breathing and had her mind playing out catastrophic scenarios.

Abyss take it! Why is this so difficult? They are my friends; they are my people. If anyone would understand it would be them.

Would they truly?

Stop that!

Her defiance flared up and she grabbed it with both hands, stepping out from the tent before she could drop it on the floor.


Nothing happened. In fact, for every scenario she considered; she did not expect her companions to simply continue like before. There were a few more inquiries as to her well-being than usual, and welcoming her back, but no barrage of questions, accusations, glares or stares.

Tav's doing most likely.

Nyx's heart swelled with endearment and gratitude while she watched the others go about their business. Not even a comment about her facial scars or the obvious mark the curse had left on the side of her neck.

As far as blemishes go, it wasn't awful, but she'll need to get used to how it pulled at her skin differently when she turned her neck. It was darker, more leathery than the rest of her skin and about the size of her palm. It had an irregular shape and upon closer inspection sported some of the same branching roots as her facial scar, albeit thinner. Nyx didn't consider herself to be particularly vain, but she didn't approve of how they crowded her face and neck; like the possessive and invasive thing it came from. There was something else that bothered her more about it -

A large hand radiating heat ruffled her hair, jarring her out of her musings and Karlach jested, "The steam is coming out of your ears again!"

Nyx saw stars, her migraine flared and she ducked to the side, "Easy, easy - migraine."

"Oh sorry," Karlach snatched her hand away.

Nyx chuckled and recovered, "All good, I'd take a mind-scrambling hair tussle any day, every day, than to spend one more out there in the curse.", she hooked her thumb to the exit.

"Aces," Karlach's eyes lit up and gestured to the platform below, "Look, we found the best place! We can eat like kings and I'm starving."

Nyx laughed freely while Karlach dragged her down for breakfast.




Falling into routine felt so natural and comforting. Nyx, per usual, was waiting for the others outside the Mason's guild. Tav suggested pulling up camp for the trip into the Thorm Mausoleum, since her reports indicated it to be as large as a catacomb. Nyx puffed out her cheeks, she wasn't looking forward to whatever lurked inside.

Astarion sidled next to her, his wicked grin in place. He lilted, "If I'm not mistaken, my love, you owe me something."

Her smoulder replied, "Oh?"

He gathered her around the waist, her stomach making backflips. He tilted his head, "I haven't received my good morning kiss yet."

Nyx's heart joined the flailing of her stomach when their lips met, and his hands slid into the small of her back. She rose to her toes, her hands caressing his face. He pulled away, a smug smirk on his lips. His lingering attention made her incredibly self-conscious, and he noticed.

"Something the matter?"

She sighed and admitted, "I'm concerned about this," she gestured to the mark on her neck and before he could reply she added feeling silly. "Does it not, 'smell unpleasant'?"

He blinked, his ruby gaze settled on the mark and his nostrils flared. He didn't move away, simply held her by the waist and said, "Only if I make concerted effort to focus on it. You're more you than it, my sweet. A lot more."

She swallowed the knot in her throat, "Thank you, that means a lot to me."

A sly smile split his lips again, "I recall that I have 'enough brains' at least."

Nyx snorted, "I'd say you're selling yourself short there."

He continued, "Oh? Would this fall into the 'and so much more' category? Care to elaborate?"

She hooked her arms around his neck, pursing her lips, considering. She replied meeting his expectant gaze, "Your ethereal beauty." His ears perked up with delight when she continued, "Your wicked words and wicked mind." Fangs became visible as his smile spread and she finished with, "Your dashing charm and wit."

"Well, now, that is quite the list," his purr dripped with satisfaction.

She made a sound of amused agreement, but something shifted in the curse. They snapped their heads in the direction of a far-off garbled wail and released each other. Astarion's hands casually rested on his weapons.

Nyx probed at the Shadowweave, "Strange. The curse feels... lighter."


Tav's voice came from behind, "How so?"

Nyx squinted up at the sky, "Clouds are higher off the ground.", she scanned the area, "Improved visibility and the shadows are thinner."

More voices joined the discussion and pointing out other differences to the day before. Nyx eyed one of the braziers demarcating the walled enclosure around the Mason's guild. She met Gale's gaze and gestured to it. He extended a hand, and flames rose from the ancient coals.

Tav gaped, "It stayed lit!"

Gale made another swooping motion toward the guild itself, and its external lanterns blazed in response.

"Woah," Karlach's amazement was replaced with a shit eating grin, and she smacked Wyll across the shoulders, "You and I are lighting each one we find!"

Wyll chuckled.

Tav scrunched her nose at the lit guild, "How?"

Nyx smirked, "Our due diligence is paying off. The more shadows we dispatch, the weaker the curse's grip."

Tav beamed a toothy grin. Her jaw set in determination, and she announced, "Time to light up Ketheric's grave."

Snorts and snickers followed onward to the graveyard.




Nyx expected the graveyard to be more, spooky. However, it was quiet, and tame. She smirked at another amusing tombstone engraving, ’Here lies Iversin 'Lucky' Wyland. Avid gambler and drinker until death had better dice rolls.’

Either the former residences of Reithwin town had a tradition of gallows' humour, or the cemetery caretaker had.

Tav said definitively, yet a smile remained on her lips, "No Astarion, we are not stooping to grave robbery."

He scoffed averting his gaze from a smaller mausoleum's lock, "I was merely curious."

Shadowheart chuckled, "But will you be able to keep to 'looking' and not 'touching'?"

Several rounds of banter warmed Nyx's heart while they made their crisscrossing way toward the far side of the plot.

Tav was casually inspecting her map while Nyx glared accusingly at the now-empty remains of the House of Healing.

Astarion quipped, "I can make out his dreadful poetry recitals in the distance", and he waved a lazy hand further up the path.

Nyx rolled her eyes and some of the others snickered.

Tav mused into her map, "Well, I'll take it as a sign that we're heading in the right direction."


Nyx didn't hear the rhyming until Raphael came into view, waiting outside a huge set of double doors mounted into the adjacent hillside. His eyes flashed when it settled on Tav's group, and the showman began his performance.

He started with an upwards pointed finger, "Our heroes thought but of treasure ahead,

Did not consider the peace of the dead..."

Tav crossed her arms and gave him a questioning eyebrow.

He continued, "Through the dark they went creeping.

And awoke what was sleeping...

A new grave they dug, which they themselves fed."

Karlach scoffed and mocked, "Ooh, spooky", wiggling her fingers for good measure.

Nyx enjoyed that more than she ought to have.

Tav asked grinning, "How long have you been standing around practicing that little recital?"

Raphael stated unperturbed, "Until it was perfect."

Cue more eyerolls and scoffs.


He looked them over, as though to size them up for what's to come and said onto Tav, "I've grown quite fond of you, you know - in my way. I thought it only fair to warn you about the dangers ahead."

Tav's eyebrows rose, and she queried carefully, "What would the price for such information be?"

Raphael leaned forward smirking, "This I give freely. It would be pointless of me to try to bar you from entering, but I can...", he gestured with a swooping motion, "Set the scene as it were. Prepare you for your role."

Tav inclined her head and replied, "Alright, paint me the picture."

"There is a stage down in the dark upon which a great drama has suspended itself in time. Its actors dwell there still, mired in the languor of their long-tired scenes. If you, however, through the dark go creeping and awake what is sleeping... Chances are many more graves than yours alone will soon be fed."

Seriously? That pretty much sums up the entire town.

Tav tilted her head and stated, "I'm afraid we've already received similar information from 'our absolutist friends' at the towers. This is the Thorm Mausoleum after all."

Raphael placed a hand to his chest then offered instead, "Very well. There is a creature that lurks in silence and shadow - a creature who, like me, is very much of the infernal persuasion." He pointed at the entrance, "Should it make its way out through the very doors you are about to brazenly swing open; you'll have unleashed a pestilence upon this realm. In truth, it is carnage incarnate. So, if you meet the devil of which I speak, kill it. Consider no other course of action."

Sounds a bit over the top, even coming from Raphael.

Tav chewed her lip and probed, "The picture has more to reveal, there are hidden truths between the strokes."

Raphael inclined his head, "This creature and I go back a long way. I admit it would be in my best interest as well should it remain trapped in the dark." He paused long enough to take in everyone's confused frowns and an unsettling grin split his face, "Or should it misplace its head with some assistance perhaps."


Karlach interjected, "What are we talking here? Lemure? Pit fiend? Orthon?"

Raphael's unsettling expression deepened, "Getting warmer, warmer, hot."

Karlach curled her lip and rolled her shoulders.

Tav took note of the unease in Karlach's stance and directed at Raphael, "How would you suggest we assist with its 'head displacement'."

Raphael straightened and warned rather aggressively, "Do not underestimate this opponent. At best you will have the blink on an eye to strike. Strike first, strike true. Defy the odds, for they are distinctly in its favour. That much I owe the bastard to concede."

Nyx shared a concerned glance with some of the others.

Raphael remembered himself and preened his waistcoat. His gaze fell to Astarion, and he snapped back into his showman role, "And don't think I've forgotten your tale, Astarion. When the beast is dead, I'll consider that payment enough to translate those scars of yours."

Tav's brows knit along with everyone else's except Nyx. Astarion inclined his head. Tav asked, "What scars?"

Before Astarion could speak for himself, Raphael chuckled and gestured with open arms, "You haven't told them? And you have kept your clothes on this whole time. How unlike you." He tutted and shook his head, "Why not let them see? Don't be shy."

Nyx narrowed her gaze and readied her stance.


Nothing could have prepared Nyx for what happened next. Raphael snapped his fingers and magically stripped Astarion of his clothes in front of everyone. Nyx's anger quaked within her. Astarion tsked and cursed under his breath, "Gods damn it."

The fact that Astarion seemed fine with being exposed in such a way does not justify any of it. Before Raphael could mock him further, Nyx shadow stepped in front of Astarion. Astarion's shocked expression met her defiance for a brief moment. Nyx called to the Shadowweave and cloaked him in darkness from his neck to his ankles.

Astarion looked himself over astounded, surprise marring each of the other's expressions as well.

Raphael sighed and tutted again, "How quaint. Protecting your lover's honour?"


--- --- ---


Tav had barely recovered from the shock of setting eyes on Astarion's scars and Raphael rendering him naked for all to see. Let alone Nyx drawing on the curse to cover up Astarion again.

A different edge lined Nyx's shoulders when she turned to face Raphael, dark calm settling on her expression.

Raphael continued, "Dear Nyx, your disagreeable nature is very unbecoming at times."

Even though Nyx had a knack for keeping calm; a newfound danger sharpened her stance. Tav noticed Raphael picked up on this too.

Nyx flexed her fingers and replied, an almost imperceivable quiver in her voice betraying her anger, "I do not agree with anyone here being turned into a plaything. I may become far more disagreeable if it happens again."

Tav gaped at Nyx, Sure she didn't suffer fools, but threatening a devil like Raphael is something entirely different.

Tav barely glimpsed something under Raphael's challenging stance, concern?, and his performance swept it away.

Raphael waved a dismissive hand and addressed Astarion again, "Don't pout spawn. Just destroy the beast and I'll happily reveal the secret of your scars instead of your skin."

Nyx stalked around Astarion searching for something, Tav could feel her probe at the Shadowweave.

Astarion's gestured above the darkness, "Yes, fine, we'll kill this damn creature of yours." He shot Tav an uncertain glance and she nodded in agreement. She was not about to deny him this. It wasn't hard to figure out how much it meant considering the show Raphael was putting on because of it.

Raphael concluded, "Then we have an understanding."

Nyx reached into a pocket of magic behind Astarion and retrieved a bundle of clothing. She turned to Astarion and handed it to him. He received his gear with sheepish gratitude.


Raphael watched the interaction with interest and tapped his lip. "Nyx, my dear, it pains me greatly to see you like this. I offer my assistance once more, you should consider - "

Nyx gave him a sidelong look and spoke a firm, "No."

"I don't understand why you insist on wanting to suffer, especially with that war going on inside of your head. Such pride."

War? A war inside, her head?

Nyx countered evenly, "It’s about principle, not pride."

"The difference being?"

"I'm not having a debate on morals and ethics with a devil."

"Mm, well - all the good your 'morals and ethics' have been, and are doing for you thus far, my dear." Raphael sighed feigning defeat, "Alas, stubborn to your grave. But I remain hopeful."

Nyx glared at him, and he directed to Tav with a smile, "Until our next meeting."

Why does that sound like a promise?

Another snap of Raphael's fingers and he was gone.


Astarion was fully clothed, and Nyx released the darkness spell. A soft expression settled on Astarion's features while he thanked Nyx, who returned a warm smile.

Tav pinched the bridge of her nose and said sincerely, "I'm sorry. For what just happened. That is not the way I intended to find out about your scars."

Astarion was momentarily taken aback and Nyx beamed at Tav approvingly. Tav had to blink twice to fully appreciate the scene.

Astarion recovered and stated looking away, "Well, now you know."

Wyll voiced his heartfelt apology as well and added, "It must have been excruciating."

Astarion straightened and provided with a curled lip, "Cazador worked on it from dusk until dawn, all with an ancient blade he called his 'needle'," he scoffed. As he continued the dismay grew on everyone's faces, "Cutting and tearing, starting over if I screamed or winced too much." Finally, he sighed and said casually, "It was a rough night. But what's done is done, so how about we stop discussing it and just kill this beast."

Tav nodded once and directed a subtle questioning look to Nyx. She smiled in return and Tav took it as a signal that all was good and settled.

I'll need to speak to Nyx about this war. She needs to know that she doesn't have to carry it alone like she had been.

Tav focused her attention on the looming doors and with assistance from the others they heaved them open. Ensuring that they close them behind their group once inside. Tav didn't want anything else to escape from this accursed tomb.


Ugh, I really had to battle with the 'muddy middle syndrome' of writing here. But, after some planning - I think I've found a way through ;P Onwards!

And yes Raphael does strip Astarion if your Tav doesn't know about his scars before getting this encounter... There are vids on YouTube about this scene and I was like (here_be_cats_and_dragons, Disapproves: -1000) after watching it.


Published: 21 Feb 2025

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