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[6 months after the death of Ix'Grom]

"Enough," Nyla said, talking over the other clan leaders, "that will be all for today, you are free to stay and feast, but it is decided. You will all provide for some of them."

Grumbling ascent was the response she got. "We will reconvene next week to adjust as needed."

The clan leaders left, and Nyla sighed, taking a deep breath.

"You did well," Artie said, encouraging her. "I think that taking in the Kervinx was the right Idea."

"I do too, but for Pinetil to suggest my people taking in one of her people's slave species," Nyla shivered, "I have to say I was shocked."

"It makes a certain amount of sense," Artie said, "but for the Jix to be so far into restructuring their entire culture so quickly, I wonder at the long-term effects."

Nyla shrugged. Many afternoons, as of late, have been spent like this, Artie and Nyla running the Clan that Cal had built. Nyla walked out onto the balcony that Cal had built for himself. "Hello, Cal."

Cal continues to look at the sun as it begins to set, "Hello, Nyla. How went the meeting?"

"It went well," Nyla said, giving him a quick rundown of what had happened. She knew that he was only asking because he thought it was the right thing to do in the situation. He had not been quite himself since the battle despite having fully healed, according to Artie.

"That's good." Cal says, his tone indicating that he has nothing else to say or ask. Nyla smiles sadly, and pours tea for the both of them, she sips hers, as they watch the sun continue on it's path. As they watch, a ship descends, landing in front of the clan hall.

Nyla leaves to greet their guest. She finds herself face to face with a newly crowned Empress, Pinetil Axshram. Nyla teases her for that, "Well, it seems that you are moving up in the world."

"Yes, someone recognized my greatness finally." Pinetil says, affecting her old pompous attitude. "But that is a concern for another day, how is he, what has been going on, and can I do anything?"

Nyla smiles and they walk into the kitchen area, and she gives Pinetil a brief summary of what has been happening, both with Cal and the Clan.

"I hope he recovers soon," Nyla says wistfully.

"You are still head over heels for him, aren't you?" Pinetil says with a friendly smile.

"I am," Nyla says, "Aren't you?"

"I was," Pinetil says with a conflicted tone, "and at times, I think I still am, but I can't wait forever. Especially since being crowned Empress. I am expected to find a strong mate and produce heirs."

"Is that something that you want?" Nyla asked.

"It is," Pinetil said somewhat sheepishly, "I have decided to move on, and begin looking for a mate. Possibly even among the other humans."

"That is good," Nyla says standing and leading Pinetil towards Cal, "you want to say anything to him?"

Pinetil nods, and the two of them join Cal on the balcony. Cal looks up for a moment, his eyes registering her, "Pinetil, it is good to see you. Is all well on your end?"

His flat tone brought a mist to Pinetil's eyes. "Yes, Cal, everything is fantastic. They even made me Empress."

"Well congratulations."  Cal said his gaze not flickering from the sun, "I expect you will find a husband to help you rule. I wish you the best, let me know if I can ever be of assistance."

Pinetil nods and gently pats Cal's shoulder, before turning a sad smile to Nyla and walking back into the clan hall. The ship lifts off once more, leaving Cal and Nyla sitting alone on the balcony.

"Nyla," Cal says, his tone holding a note of serious contemplation.

"Yes, Cal?"

"You do not need to wait for me." He says. 

"What do you mean?"

"I am not emotional," Cal says, "I do not know that I can ever give you what I think that you are looking for from me. You should find someone who can give you what you want. I am unable to promise you anything now or in the future."

Nyla takes a shaky breath, "I know, Cal. I have always known. Even when you have been emotional and intimate with me, there has been an element of standoffishness that I could not explain. But it is just who you are."

"I am sorry about that," Cal says.

"I don't think you are," Nyla said, her tone teasing, "but I also know that is not exactly your fault. I knew what I was signing up for when I confessed to you. You also made it clear. But I said I would wait."

"If you ever change your mind," Cal said, still gazing at the sun which was approaching the horizon.

"I know Cal," Nyla said placing her hand on top of his, "I love you Cal, let me know when you are ready."

"Okay, Nyla," Cal said.

As the sun set on Nyla's world, she cried silent tears.



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