Chapter 26: The Bedroom Accords

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"And so, we shall know peace, and I pray that all of the generations that should come after us  shall know it also." - King Etienne Desramaux after the conquest of the Lefeuvre.

"There are not many options, I am afraid." Empress Jolijn spoke softly into the ear of King Phillipe, her right hand stroking his chest as his right arm lay wrapped around her. Their naked bodies rested peacefully on one another, the thralls of passion slowly receded and allowed for thoughts of state to come to mind.

"I do not think we can choose Rikkert's children. I fear they will seek some form of revenge, and if given such power as a principality we are only helping them with resources." Phillipe said, the warmth of his wife demanding his attention despite the necessary conversation at hand.

"That only leaves one person, then. Hein's son, Koen."

"Hein had a son?" Jolijn squirmed slightly at this question.

"Biologically, yes. It... I do not like to discuss it. But, yes, Hein has a son. He is young and, from what I hear, intelligent."

"Having Hein as his father almost guarantees that. Very well then. Prince Koen Biljvank. He will rule in Biljrend." Jolijn lifted herself up at this.

"What do you mean? Where shall I rule from?"

"Desramaux City, with me, of course."

"No. Biljrend is my home. I will not leave it for good, I refuse to." Phillipe's eyes widened as he struggled to think quickly. What if...

"Good idea. We can split out time. Every five years we will change capitals. Then, after we have passed and there is one ruler, they will alternate with each generation." The young king looked at his wife with a puzzled look. How did... how did she know what I was going to say?

"Well... good. I am glad that is settled. Guyard will rule the Pelariaux Principality, Dirk-Jan the Van Niljveld, Mathias the Desramaux, and Koen the Biljvank. Heinrich Obbink will rule both Licon and Obbinkerloo and his children will split the inheritance - he will remain a duke but answer directly to us."

"Krisje shall be reinstated as Duchess of Rodzijl, Vaars Zelderloo IX has agree to relinquish much of his families possessions in exchange for his families continued use of Castle Zelderloo and the immediate lands around it - he may continue to use the title of Duke. Their former lands are to be put under the control of House Dietma until Diependam is restored, where they are to go then will be discussed at that time."

"And Lebatou is to be given to Sir Julien de Caillaud, who is now Duke Julien."

"I think it is very touching, and wise, that you have chosen to reward him. After all, you would not be here if it were not for him and his father." Phillipe smiled wide as Jolijn nuzzled her head into his shoulder. Then, he froze as a chill ran down his back.

"I never told you that." He felt her eyes open wide after he said this.


"I never told you that story, of the blizzard and Sir Jules."

"Are... are you sure?"

"Yes. How... how did you know about it?"

"I... I must have - well earlier... when we were... you know. I reached a point where, well you know where I lost myself for a moment. It felt so wonderful I - I suppose I must have... gods be damned I did not want you to find out this way."

"Find what out?" The king sat up straight in their bed, Empress Jolijn did the same.

"I... my family. My family line has a gift. It is dormant in most of us, but sometimes it comes out and we must learn to control it. This control does allow us to use it, but, we must be sparing with our usage."

"What is it?" Phillipe felt himself fill with a mixture of excitement and fear.

"We have something called the ziend. It was granted to one of my ancestors from the egg of an amethyst dragon, and it grants me abilities, abilities that I might pass on to our children." Phillipe had to stop himself from jumping with excitement.

"You are a mage? You have the blood of a mage? And our children could have this? The future rulers of our empire will be mages?"

"There is the chance, yes. But it takes practice and training to control it. It... it can be very dangerous."

"Of course, of course. If it happens, we... we will bring in an instructor, another mage. What of the mage that used to live at your father's court?"

"No. No other mages. We must keep it secret."

"But... why?"

"It killed my brother." Phillipe's heart sank at this.


"He could not control it, and it killed him. Priest Volka helped me control it, and I will only trust them and any priest trained by them to help our children should they need it. There is no negotiating this, that is how we will handle it if it happens."

"Of course. I understand. We will keep it secret and safe. What... may I ask, what does this ziend do?"

"I can control objects around me, I can read minds, and I can speak to you in your mind."

"That is... that is incredible."

"No. It is dangerous and must be controlled properly. Promise me you understand this, promise me this will be kept secret. Promise me, should our children have the ziend from me, that you will give them the same level of secrecy. It is not a weapon, it is not an advantage, it is to be controlled and used sparingly." Phillipe looked deep into the eyes of his wife, his empress, the most beautiful being to ever grace his field of view. He put his hands into his.

"I promise." They smiled and embraced their lips together. Soon they would be coronated together. Soon they would have children together - potentially gifted and powerful children. Soon their empire would be fully healed, and their people once again tending the fields safely. The Desravank Empire was safe. The Desravank Empire was secure. The Desravank Empire had been born.

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